March 24th

River Wylye

Salisbury & District Angling Club

What an Easter. Snow, sleet and strong winds really didn't encourage you out the house. But it is only March and we should expect such weather. We've only just past the spring equinox, and storms are typical of this time of year. Perhaps it's worth holding onto the thought that there are now 12 hours of daylight and the days will only get longer and better.

I did go fishing. Well we had planned a day on the local reservoirs but the cold and the wind combined with the prospect of standing heron like all day was too much. So plan B was a quick scamper down to the Wylye. The good thing is the wildlife just gets on with the important things in life. No grumbling about bad weather. No, instead Baetis rhodani were emerging in decent numbers and fish were rising. The grayling had gathered in one section of the river in numbers. I think they were preparing to spawn. There were some large fish in the crowd and a few had taken on a dark gun metal sheen. Super to watch as they held station in the fast current. In between the rain, wind and grayling watching I did catch a good few fish. But now it's time to leave the grayling to get on with their urgent business of creating the next generation. Curious to think that whilst I shivered, mayflies and grayling had only sex on their minds.


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River Wylye overcast day

Till gravel and weed